that fellow is looking rather sketchy...

Categories: [fairfax, va]  [gmu campus]  


focal length: 57 mm
exposure: 1/40 sec
aperture: f 5.6
iso: 400
camera model: Canon EOS 5D

comments that fellow is looking rather sketchy...

  • Nice capture and aptly named. Love the greyscale for this.
    sherri @ 2008-02-29 09:29:07
  • cool portrait!
    danthro @ 2008-02-29 20:05:05
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that fellow is looking rather sketchy...

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that fellow is looking rather sketchy...
that fellow is looking rather sketchy...
focal length: 57 mm | exposure: 1/40 sec | aperture: f 5.6 | iso: 400 | camera model: Canon EOS 5D